Lindsey Jones

Spring 2024 John Jay Fellow

Hometown: Kansas City, KS
College: Biola University
Degree: B.A. Philosophy

Lindsey Jones is from Kansas City, where she grew up with her three younger sisters. Lindsey discovered her interest in philosophy through reading Thomas Aquinas in high school, and her passion for philosophy has continued to grow since then.

In 2023, Lindsey graduated Summa Cum Laude from Biola University and the Torrey Honors College with a B.A. in Philosophy. She deeply enjoyed exploring a variety of texts in the Torrey Honors College, discussing everything from Aristotle to Jane Austen. Lindsey also worked as a teaching assistant for several professors in philosophy and biblical Greek. Her time in college culminated with her senior thesis, which focused on the relationship between the body and soul and its connection to gender. Her thesis is titled, “What is a Woman: John Paul II's Resolution of Aristotle and Simone de Beauvoir," and, after presenting it, received the Outstanding Thesis Defense award.

Lindsey's time in college has been punctuated by her involvement at Summit Ministries. Lindsey first attended Summit Semester, a gap semester program in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, in 2020. Afterward, she served in a variety of leadership positions for Summit's summer and semester programs. During this time, Lindsey's passion for philosophy was given practical grounding in its impact on people's lives. She is convinced that Christianity, as the true story of world, betters every aspect of human existence, and she views philosophy as an outworking of her biblical convictions.

In her free time, Lindsey enjoys spending as much time as possible with her three sisters, running, and hiking, ideally surrounded by aspen trees. Going forward, Lindsey is eager to bring clarity to the area of the philosophy of gender and its cultural outworking, as well as help people to think well about the world and their role in it. She plans to pursue graduate school and to write in these fields.

Read about the other Spring 2024 John Jay Fellows